Sunday, December 10, 2017

Christmas Pictures

You were in a good mood this afternoon, so we decided to take some pictures of you with a few ornaments and the tree. We moved the coffee table and set up a spot for you to lay on it with a pillow. You loved the bell the best, and were so enamored by the sound of it that you hardly smiled! You kept saying "Oooh" and cooing at it. In the middle of taking pictures, you pooped and needed a new outfit. Oops! We are excited to celebrate your first Christmas with you!


Mommy made you a stocking to match the other two.

Inside of this ornament is your hospital hat and bracelet with your birth date and time.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

November 2017

Some highlights from November include:

  • Met Dave and Teresa, and Jim and Sheri Tate in Plain then stopped to get coffee beans in Leavenworth (11/4)
  • Mommy had conferences and our schedule got messed up! Daddy put you to bed for two nights with a bottle
  • Dinner with Josh, Bekah and Avery
  • Avery's birthday party and mommy made a unicorn cake
  • Bob Johnson visited at church and we had a leader's meeting and dinner
  • Bringing mommy coffee at school
  • First snow of the season
  • Samuel's dedication (11/26) and lunch (beef soup and chocolate cake--m'mm)
  • Thanksgiving with Grammy K and Gramps, Grammy Nette and Pops, and Aunt Cassie and Aunt Lo at Grammy K and Gramps' house
  • Put up the Christmas tree (a little early...:) ) 
  • Practiced adorable sleeping positions
  • Hanging out with Grammy K on Wednesdays while Dad is at work

Four Months

Here a few highlights about your 4th month: 

You are a little over 16 pounds as far as we can tell. Your doctor appointment with Dr. Eisert is on December 18th, and we'll have more information then. You're ready for size 3 diapers, but we're finishing out the last few size 2s first!

You have slept completely through the night quite a few times this past month, and when you don't, you get up to eat one time at about 3am. Your bedtime is between 6 and 6:30pm. Mommy loves to get your jammies on you and put lotion on you before bedtime. You love to giggle and kick on your changing table when we tickle you. Daddy reads to you from your children's devotional books while Mommy feeds you. Then, we read our devotional together while you finish eating. One thing we love doing with you is singing about what we did that day. You seem to really enjoy music, and this calms you down. You also really love when Mommy sings you hymns at bedtime right before putting you in your crib before prayers. We always start your nighttime prayer with, "Jesus, thank you for our sweet boy..." It just happened that way; no reason. 

You are a happy guy, and we often receive compliments about how mellow and easy going you are, as well as how you're a handsome little man. Most people think you look most like your Daddy, but occasionally they mention you have Mom's nose and mouth. (You also have Mom's fingers--not thumb, though!). You love music so much, and make sounds in response to both music and talking. 

You're getting better at your hand-eye coordination, and almost can get your pacifier in and out of your mouth on your own. You're drooling like crazy, which might mean teething soon. You have also rolled over a couple of times from your back to your tummy, but aren't doing it intentionally yet. You enjoy your colorful rattling ball, your aquarium music box, and your "friends" mat. You're getting really good at grabbing things like your toys, pacifier, and mommy's hair. You turn your head and give slobbery kisses after you're done eating, and giggle when we lift you upside down, or straight up in the air. Daddy reads to you often when you're on your changing table, and you adore him and books. You grab at them, and listen and look intently when you are being read to. You turn your head toward us when we are talking, and enjoy taking everything in. 

We love watching more of your personality develop, and are excited to celebrate your first Christmas with you next month. We love you!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Samuel's Dedication

We dedicated you at our church, Faith Community, on November 26th, 2017. Pastor Jess Slusher prayed for you, and explained why we dedicate babies using the scripture we prayed while we were waiting from you from 1 Samuel 1 and 2. Our prayer for you is this scripture, chapter 2:1-10.

Your grandparents and Aunt Cassie came and we prayed that you would know the Lord and we would do our best as your parents to be a great example to you of how to read your Bible, pray, forgive, and love others unconditionally. 

Here is a video link to copy and paste into your browser of Samuel's dedication:

Saturday, November 4, 2017

3 Month Pics with Hannah

Hannah Winkler took pictures of you when you were 3 months old. We tried a few different places, and you were sweet and happy for the first part. You were not enjoying the props very much, and you were only able to stay awake for about 45 minutes before getting too tired.