Monday, January 15, 2018

December 2017

Here are some things we did in December:

  • Went to help Grammy Nette with her holiday bazaar in Fall City
  • Terry and August came to visit before they moved to California
  • Christmas program at church
  • Played with Conner
  • Christmas break for Mommy
  • Christmas with Grammy K and Gramps
  • Mommy got a haircut
  • 4 month Dr. Appointment (a little late)
  • Stayed with Grammy K and Gramps while Mommy and Daddy went to celebrate Judy's birthday at Red Robin
  • Christmas at home with Mommy and Daddy
  • Christmas at Pops and Grammy Nette's house
  • Kerri, Megan, and Max came to visit
  • New Year's Eve at home with Grammy Nette, Pops, Cassie, and Grant
  • Ate lots of solid foods: rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and carrots

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Christmas Letter 2017

Christmas Greetings from Samuel:

On July 29th, I finally graced my parents with my presence—only 11 days past my “due date”! The last five months have gone by so fast, but it is hard for my parents to remember when I wasn’t a part of the family yet.

At my last visit with the doctor, he said I am obviously a good eater, and am right on track with my growth (except my hair—I’m still bald as a bowling ball!). I’m getting good at rolling around, and drool on everything. I enjoyed my first taste of oatmeal recently, and even licked the bowl clean. Mom says I got more on her and the table than in my tummy, but I liked it all the same.

I love when people read to me and tell me stories. During the day, Dad reads me books, and when Mom gets home, she reads me books. When my grandparents visit, they read me books too! In addition to books, I love music. Mom sings silly songs to me all the time. I’m pretty sure she makes them up, because half the time they don’t make any sense. I also enjoy going to music practice with Mom at church and listening to music and silly-dancing with Dad.

During the week while Mom is off teaching the 6th graders, I stay home with Dad. He tries to get as much work done as possible, but I’m really fun to play with. Sometimes he has to wait until I take a nap in the stroller on the way home from visiting Mom during lunchtime. I’m looking forward to when I can finally help him make coffee (my parents take this very seriously) and do some chores and play games instead of just hanging out and watching from my bouncy seat.

I feel really lucky that I get to stay home with Dad instead of going to daycare. He recently finished up his degree from Portland Bible College, and is working at our church now. Sometimes I even get to go with him to meetings—it is one of my favorite things to do because I’m a pretty social guy.

I love my dog, Turk, and he loves me. We even share our toys, although Mom thinks it is gross. My cat, Oreo, pretends I don’t exist. I keep trying to win her over, but Dad says she dislikes everything because she’s 21 years old and a cat.

On the weekends I really love extra snuggles with Mom and watching her bake, or do crafting projects like quilting or crocheting. She makes me giggle by tickling me and making goofy faces. Our bedtime routine is one of her favorite times with me—splashing in the tub and then putting my lotion and jammies on me, reading our Bible story with Dad, and our prayer cuddles are really special.

So far, I think life is pretty great! I am really grateful for all of my family and friends. If you want to keep posted about what I’m up to, my parents have an online scrapbook you’re welcome to follow:

Merry Christmas and Love to All,

Samuel Slover

Five Months

Right after Christmas, you turned 5 months old. This past month has been one of the most rewarding, yet challenging months yet. Your sleeping has been much less consistent, and you have struggled to fall asleep at night and stay asleep. You've also had some great nights where you've slept through the night completely without waking up at all. Growing is hard work!

You have been taking two naps a day; one in the morning, and one longer nap in the afternoon. Mom got to spend two weeks home for Christmas break, and that was really fun, but that might have messed up your schedule a little bit, also. We went to bed and got up later, and you seemed to really enjoy being with us. This has been a month of major changes and growth for you as well.

You transitioned into size 3 diapers, and are weighing about 17lbs and are almost 27 inches long. Your doctor appointment went well, and we got the okay to start you on solid foods.  We were really happy about this since you had been really grabbing at our food and tracking it. You ate oatmeal first, then rice cereal. We added in carrots, then sweet potatoes. You LOVE eating! Sweet potatoes were a major hit, but it is hard to tell what you like more: oatmeal, or rice. We are excited to try more new foods with you. We noticed that since starting solids you are pooping less often, and it is much stinkier!  Sitting up on your own is still a challenge, but you're getting better. You're not great in the Bumbo seat, so we put together your high chair and seem to be doing awesome in that. 

You graduated out of your playmat and now are playing on a quilt with your toys. You also have a tented bear mat that helps contain you when you're rolling around. You easily roll over from your back to your tummy and are rolling more easily from your tummy to your back. You are starting to support yourself on your arms and look around more, as well as wiggling your bum in the air acting like you want to move forward. You have also found your feet and enjoy chewing and sucking on them. 

When you play, you grab more intentionally at things and have started to put more and more things directly into your mouth including your pacifier, toys, hands, and our hands and mommy's hair. You are starting to "hug" more like a little spider monkey and grab on with your hands and legs. Learning new things seems to be common for you on a daily basis. You are starting to learn how to manipulate your hands and are "waving" at us backwards sometimes. We are working on some baby signs like "all done" and "more, please" to help you communicate, because it seems like you might catch on quickly. We will add more in as you continue to learn.

Bathtime, books, and music continue to be some of your favorite things. You have also started showing more of an interest in your dog, Turk. He is rarely far away from you, and is very patient as you grab his ears and watch him chew on his toys. He lays in your room as you're going to sleep, and you enjoy watching him from your chair.

We are loving this stage that you're in as you are discovering new things everyday. We are trying to be patient with your sleeping schedule when we are tired and you are tired, too. Your smile and giggles make those times we are frustrated or exhausted all completely worth it! We love you!