Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Seven Months

Seven months old, already. Time is flying by! You love people, and everyone mentions what a smiley, happy and alert boy you are. On February 26, we went to see Dr. Eisert, and he said you're growing well and making all of your benchmarks. You're in the middle of the range of growth now, and are working to sit up on your own still. You roll everywhere really quickly, and we've had to create a pillow wall in the living room to keep you contained. 

Some of your favorite things to do include eating dinner with mom and dad at the the table in your high chair, listen to music and kick along, as well as wave goodbye to mom in the morning when she goes to work. You have tried more new foods including lots of veggies and fruit.

The weather is getting a little nicer, which makes your stroll to see mom for lunch a bit nicer. We are excited for when we can play outside and enjoy the springtime. 

Here are a few videos of you from the past month:

Watching Storybots
Rolling Around
Dinner time with Turk

Monday, February 5, 2018

January 2018

Some highlights from this month include:

  • Trying bananas (so delicious!)
  • Sitting in the high chair for meals
  • Trying peas (not delicious!)
  • Rolling all over the place, including under the coffee table
  • Having dinner with Josh and Bekah and Avery
  • Dinner with Ramon and Angela and family
  • Having dinner with Julian and Sarah down in Crescent Bar when it was snowing
  • Going for snowy stroller walks with Dad to see Mom at lunch time
  • A snow day (1/12)
  • Grammy K and Gramps went to New Zealand
  • Wednesday mornings with Hannah
  • Short morning naps, long afternoon naps
  • Staying awake through church
  • Better sleep at night, sometimes sleeping all the way through, sometimes only one wakeup
  • Mom got a cold from school, but nobody else got it (yay!)
  • Listened to Dad preach at church (1/7)

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Six Months

At six months old, you are learning how to do so many more things. Your sleep has gotten a little bit better, but you struggle to fall asleep at night sometimes. Mom thinks it is because you like being around people so much. We often get complimented on what a happy, smiley guy you are. You don't love long morning naps, but are continuing your longer afternoon nap. 

You enjoy most foods that you have tried so far, but pears are probably your most favorite at this point. You've become a lot more mobile and are rolling everywhere. We finally moved the coffee table out of the center of the living room so you can roll around more easily without getting stuck. 

We Skype with Grammy K and Gramps in New Zealand every Monday afternoon, and you enjoy that. You're curious about screens and mirrors and are grabbing at them often. You also LOVE your dog, Turk. You feed him from your high chair and watch him walk around all the time. We will have your 6th month appointment in February because Dr. Eisert's office is really busy. We love watching you grow!