Tuesday, August 29, 2017

One Month--August 29th, 2017

At one month old you are getting up 3 times a night to eat, usually every two and half hours. You nap during the day quite a bit, but you are very alert when you're awake. You don't cry much, except when you're hungry or tired. You don't like your pacifier much, but it does work to help calm you down when you're fussy. You sleep through church, and like to sit in your chair on your own. You have a play mat with three zoo animals on it, but you can't really interact with it much yet. You are responsive to sounds and are beginning to look at and notice faces. You have a strong grip with your big hands, and you're growing out of all of your socks. You are fitting into your size 0-3 and 3 month clothes really well, and are in size 1 diapers still. You make us laugh and smile with your silly facial expressions. We love you so much!

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