Sunday, October 29, 2017

Three Months

At three months old, you are grabbing onto things more easily and sticking them in your mouth, drooling a ton, turning your head towards sounds and voices, and starting to roll onto your side. You are so close to giggling and make squeaky sounds when you are really happy and smiling. You love when mommy counts to three and lifts you in the air, and when daddy wiggles your legs and bounces your pants on you when he changes your diaper.

You love looking at faces and you stick your tongue out a lot. You are starting to imitate some sounds, and still enjoy music and reading. You are starting to play more intentionally with different toys like your soft "GG Giraffe" and musical caterpillar "worm". You are sleeping really well, usually from between 7 and 7:30 until about 2am, then again until about 6:30am. You're taking a longer morning nap, and stay awake most of the afternoon.

Mommy went back to work at the beginning of the month, and you're staying home with daddy during the day. You have a bottle around 10am when you wake up from your morning nap, then come to see mommy at school during her lunch at 12:00. You enjoy your stroller, and usually fall asleep in it as well as your carseat. On Tuesdays or Thursday mornings, Grammy K comes to play with you while daddy does some work. Grammy Nette and Pops enjoy seeing you most weekends. Grampa Dan is looking forward to giving you rides on the golf cart and his new ATV.


  • Moved to size 2 diapers, even though we should have probably done this last month, since you're having less blow outs now!
  • Started taking baths in your baby bath in the tub instead of the sink.
  • Switch out of size 3 month clothes and 0-3 months and you're now wearing mostly 3-6 month and 6 month size clothes.

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